Metavisa X GEMS AMA Recap

12 min readMar 5, 2022


Hi everyone, the AMA starts now. This channel will be muted for an hour so please be patient and let’s give a big clap for @jassemoss

We are pleased to host an AMA session with @MetaVisa!

Date & Time: 28th JAN 9 AM UTC


Speaker: @kwasei_j Jasse Moss, Founder of MetaVisa


1. @gemsgg_official & @MetaVisa

2. Like, retweet, add your questions & tag 3 friends

Tune in to win a share of 300 USDT rewards!


Welcome everyone to GEMS AMA. Today we Welcome @jassemoss, CEO of MetaVisa

Jassem Osseiran:

Thanks for having me guys, super excited!


Before we get started, could you please give us a brief background of yourself please?

Jassem Osseiran:


I’m an entrepreneur and advisor in the financial services, alternative investments sector with over 10 years of demonstrated history in leading commercial operations, strategic partnerships and capital deployment, having previously held positions at Rocket Internet, Omnicom Media Group and Semper Fortis Esports.

I have been in the blockchain crypto space for over 7 years and am an experienced mentor and investor in early to mid stage ventures with expertise in operational strategy, process and business model innovation.

Part 1: Introduction Questions


Wow that is such a strong background!

Could you please also give us an introduction of what Metavisa is?

Jassem Osseiran:

MetaVisa is a decentralised identity and credit system for the Metaverse.

The MetaVisa Protocol helps users establish and display reliable on-chain identity & credit records, making it easier for DeFi, NFT, GameFi, DAO, and other ecosystems to serve their user base better through MetaVisa Identity & Credit Oracle Engine.


That is so cool!

Do you have any informative material for users to understand your business model? Do you plan to pass your product onto the normal — especially non-crypto people?

Jassem Osseiran:

Thank you, great question

Jassem Osseiran:

The best and most informative material I can provide is the project’s light paper.

Jassem Osseiran:

Within this document, all users will be able to understand the deep mechanics and thoughts behind our project and how we are looking to achieve our targets in the coming future. MetaVisa was not made only for crypto users, we are a system build to protect the next generation of users entering into web3 and metaverse domains.n

Jassem Osseiran:

In the coming years, we will see large amounts of users enter this space, most of whom are not knowledgeable about the crypto industry. MetaVisa’s protocol and infrastructure has been built for this specific reason, in order to bring transparency and trust across multiple networks within digital economies.



Can you please introduce our community to the MetaVisa NFTs?

Jassem Osseiran:

Absolutely I would love to :$

Jassem Osseiran:

MetaVisa has currently launched two kinds of NFTs, the MetaVisa Hero and MetaVisa Hero Assembly-Limited Edition.

Jassem Osseiran:

Users who hold the MetaVisa Hero NFT can participate in claiming the MetaVisa Hero Assembly-Limited Edition, which is a 10,000 series drop.


That’s so cool! Looking forward to claim one of your NFT through the airdrop.

I guess our community are also curious about the benefit of having one of the NFTs.

So what are the benefits of owning these NFTs?

Jassem Osseiran:

Yes please do, you’ve got to try it out in order to really understand the mechanics of the infrastructure.

Jassem Osseiran:

Holding the MetaVisa NFT is equivalent to obtaining the only ID binding to its address.

MetaVisa and its ecosystem partners will use this ID to identify, analyze and authenticate the on-chain data of the address, thereby defining different user attributes and levels which provide different airdrop benefits according to user’s level.



Could you please share with our community on the IEO of Metavisa and how our community will be involved?

Jassem Osseiran:

Yes of course I’ve been waiting for you to ask!

Jassem Osseiran:

MetaVisa, officially announced that it has reached an agreement with one of the largest digital asset trading platforms, BitMart.

BitMart, a premier global digital asset trading platform, has launched the “MESA Token Sale” where BitMart users were able to purchase MESA with USDT as of yesterday.

Jassem Osseiran:

Jassem Osseiran:

$MESA has already risen by 20x+ and will continue to be listed on big exchanges such as Huobi, Binance, Kucoin, Gate, and Coinbase will be launched one after another.

Circulating Supply is only 420 million, accounting for 4.2%.

The 24-hour transaction volume also exceeded 2.5 million USDT


Wow! That’s definitely one of the big milestones! Congratulations!

Jassem Osseiran:

Thank you it’s been a massive 48 hrs for the team and our project, we have to thank everyone and the community involved as well



Let’s move to segment 2: Questions from the twitter community. Shall we start?

Jassem Osseiran:

Awesome. The best is when I get to hear from different communities.

Let’s go!

Part 2: Twitter Community Questions


Let’s move to Q1 from @Julia50099594

Staying in touch and connecting with customers and partners is very important to all projects, does MetaVisa’s support system support 24/7? What languages are currently used?

Jassem Osseiran:

Thanks you for the great question

Jassem Osseiran:

The MetaVerse is a global reality affecting the lives of people all across the globe and MetaVisa is the protection layer serving all users in the metaverse. No restrictions, no limits, we are a solution for all users of the Web3 economy and all digital ecosystems catering to it.

Jassem Osseiran:

In terms of MetaVisa’s presence, we have already established multiple communities around the world, including: Turkey, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea and the Philippines. Today, we are continuing our growth plan into other regions, bringing volunteers and community leaders in to help with expansion in local communities.

Jassem Osseiran:

Please follow our official group channels below:

Official Community(English):

MetaVisa channel:

Korean Community:

Philippines Community :

Viet Nam Community:

Turkey Community:

India Community:

Indonesia Community:

Our Official SNS:






Wow you guys got such a big community !

Q2 from @NFTmarketor:

MetaVisa will issue a badge of honour depending on the credit rating of an address.

• What are the different types of Badges? State some?

• How can one increase the credit rating of their address? What activities one needs to perform in order to level up?

Jus GEMS: [In reply to Jassem Osseiran]

community let’s check it out!

Jassem Osseiran:

Thank you and great question @NFTmarketor

As stated before, MetaVisa has launched two kinds of NFTs, the MetaVisa Hero and MetaVisa Hero Assembly-Limited Edition.

MetaVisa Hero NFT has ten different NFT hero characters and all addresses that mint the NFT will then have an NFT Hero badge, representing the user’s identity ID in the MetaVisa ecosystem.

Jassem Osseiran:

Claiming the MetaVisa Hero NFT will allow users to then claim the MetaVisa Hero Assembly-Limited Edition.

Jassem Osseiran:

In order to increase credit score and show strong ratings across the system, an address will have credible transaction history and behavior across web3 and other ecosystems. MetaVisa’s infrastructure is not meant to dictate which addresses are at the highest level but is more to be used as protection for users when interacting with others throughout the metaverse.


Wonderful! I wonder what badge I will be able to get !


Q4 from @ShanturyT:

The word Metaverse is trending now as Facebook changed its name to Meta. Can you share with us your views about the Metaverse and you introduced it in your platform?

Jassem Osseiran:

Great question mate, who isn’t talking about the metaverse these days?

Jassem Osseiran:

I would love to tell you exactly how we came up with this concept, especially as we see an incredible amount of usership trending towards the Metaverse. The trend towards the metaverse continues to be big news and will continue to bring in a large amount of users year on year. Our biggest goal in this space will be to create transparency and safety to all those who participate in this ever so emerging economy.

Jassem Osseiran:

As MetaVisa is dedicated to developing decentralised identities and building up credit systems for future economies, the team and I decided to combine Meta (short for Metaverse) and the playground in which we are looking to conquer with VISA, which in most scenarios is a pass that allows travellers entry into foreign countries. The combination of the two undoubtedly reflect the core of our project and our vision.

Jassem Osseiran:

As an infrastructure that collects and analyses on-chain data through credit history, address correlation/activity, on-chain behavior preference, and asset/portfolio holdings, MetaVisa will look to be the pioneering gateway model which users look at as part of their journey within the metaverse and more importantly during their process of interacting with others in this space, A GLOBAL VISA FOR THE METAVERSE.




Indeed Metaverse are so big recently.


Q5 from @tmita31:

Marketing is always seen as a big problem of every project. So what is your plan to implement your marketing strategy to make your project become more popular?

Jassem Osseiran:

Yes indeed, another great question. Thank you all

Jassem Osseiran:

Marketing is of course a large part of our focus for the coming months as we are heavily looking to create awareness for metavisa moving forward.

We will continue to engage heavily with different communities and engage users to participate within our ecosystem, especially understanding how the process works and what they need to do to transact and operate in the metaverse environment.

Jassem Osseiran:

We are looking forward to working closely with partners such as Gems to achieve our goals in reaching as many users as possible within Web3 networks. As we begin to work with Gems, our ability to transfer knowledge to gamers and esports communities will be a massive uplift to the brand, as an establishment of the framework required to build a safe and supported credit system for users across digital economies.


That’s sounds perfect!

Shall we move on to the next segment: Live questions.

Jassem Osseiran:

Yes let’s do it

Part 3: Community Live Questions


Times up @jassemoss may you please pick the 5 best asked questions

Vĩnh Biệt BTC go to 10k$

On your website you don’t mention that you have done any internal or external audit of your smart contract, so can you give us details if you have done any audit before? And in case you haven’t, would you plan to perform any review of your smart contract in the near future?

Jassem Osseiran:

Our core algorithm is currently under development and is not open source, however we’ll soon be applying for patent for it.

On the other hand, MetaVisa will be providing service SDKs for 3rd party developers which will be open source and AUDITED in coming future.

Deleted Account:

PARTNERS are the most important that strengthen the ecosystems of all projects. Could you tell us about your project partners and the partnership strategy it has adopted? @jassemoss

Jassem Osseiran:

Great question, especially for this occasion.

MetaVisa will look to partner with various platforms across the Web3 Metaverse ecosystems to establish frameworks in GameFi, DeFi, DAO, CRM, and other DApps.

In order to become a globally used infrastructure, we will look to establish various relationships with a number of partners to grow user bases successfully and increase the awareness of the MetaVisa solution to various players interacting in digital economies.

Our partnership with Gems is a massive announcement for the play to earn and GameFi environment. We believe there will be a huge need for users and gamers across this ecosystem to benefit from MetaVisa’s protocol moving forward and Gems is the perfect partner to help us achieve that.

Candy | 1SHOTGemCalls💎☎️:

What are plans for global expansion? Are you focusing on the market at this time or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Jassem Osseiran:

In terms of MetaVisa’s presence, we have already established multiple communities around the world, including: Turkey, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea and the Philippines. Today, we are continuing our growth plan into other regions, bringing volunteers and community leaders in to help with expansion in local communities.

Please follow our official group channels below:

Official Community(English):

MetaVisa channel:

Korean Community:

Philippines Community :

Viet Nam Community:

Turkey Community:

India Community:

Indonesia Community:

Our Official SNS:





Keene 👨‍🎓 (by Arkaitz⚡️):

I am interested to invest in your project. When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?

Jassem Osseiran:

MetaVisa, officially announced that it has reached an agreement with one of the largest digital asset trading platforms, BitMart.

$MESA has risen by 20x+ already and will continue to be listed on the big exchange. Huobi, Binance, kucoin, Gate, and Coinbase will be launched one after another.

Circulating Supply is only 420 million, accounting for 4.2%.

The 24-hour transaction volume also exceeded 2.5 million USDT

Yelena Dejesus:

Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?

Jassem Osseiran:

Follow us on our Official Groups for all the info around the project and all the updates regarding MESA performance and exchange listings :

📝 Official Community(English):

📝 MetaVisa channel:

📝 Korean Community:

📝 Philippines Community :

📝 Viet Nam Community:

📝 Turkey Community:

📝 India Community:

📝 Indonesia Community:

Our Official SNS:



📝 Medium:

Telegram (

MetaVisa Official Community

📝 MetaVisa Channel:

📝 Website:

Thanks you for having me

We’re looking forward to an amazing partnership with GEMS moving forward, big big things to come

Jassem Osseiran:

Keep watching $MESA break new heights


Wonderful! Thank you @jassemoss to visit our @thegemsgg community today with the insightful plans of @MetaVisaGroup. We will update the community of our upcoming announcements!


Congratulations once again with the big news from MetaVisa!

Jassem Osseiran:

Thank you so much


Wonderful! Thank you @jassemoss to visit our @thegemsgg community today with the insightful plans of @MetaVisaGroup. We will update the community of our upcoming announcements!

Jassem Osseiran:

Thank you so much 🙏🏼


[In reply to Jassem Osseiran]

Community don’t forget to check out the links!


I will now unmute the chat. The winners can DM me.

Live AMA #1 winner: @Sterling_quigley

Live AMA #2 winner: @Vannesa_Vazquez_14

Live AMA #3 winner: @Ranee_Kearney

Live AMA #4 winner: @aneene35

Live AMA #5 winner: @Synthiaallred

For Twitter

#Metavisa x GEMS #AMA recap

“MetaVisa will look to be the pioneering gateway model which users look at as part of their journey within the metaverse and more importantly during their process of interacting with others in this space, A GLOBAL VISA FOR THE METAVERSE.” — Jassem Osseiran, Founder of MetaVisa @kwasei_j Jasse Moss, Founder of MetaVisa

If you missed it, recap below @metavisa

About GEMS

GEMS stands for GameFi, Esports, Metaverse and SocialFi.

Proudly presenting Esports 3.0, GEMS is an Esports 3.0 Aggregator Platform within a unique O2O (online-to-offline) Ecosystem. Our one-of-a-kind ecosystem is designed to be the ultimate, one-stop GameFi destination, allowing crypto and Esports gamers to learn, connect, and immerse themselves in different metaverses and GameFi worlds via online and offline touchpoints.

Join the party👇

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Written by thegemsgg

GameFi, E-Sports, Metaverse and SocialFi. GEMS is an Esports NFT social sharing portal and O2O ecosystem.

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