Hello #GEMSter here comes another #GEMSCrossoverAMA.
Today we have @jamin156 , Co-founder of @GravitonZero here today.
Hello Everyone — massive thank you to TheGEMSgg for hosting today's AMA — cant wait to share about our project Graviton Zero
It’s our pleasure to have you here
First of all, could you please introduce yourself to us?
Who is behind Graviton Zero and can you briefly tell our #GEMSter about your team?
My name is Jamie — Co Founder of Graviton Zero, I have worked as an IT engineer and project/technical consultant for many blockchain and gaming companies over the last 12 years. Right now we have a small skilled team which have all been hardcore gaming and crypto enthusiasts for a long time — currently we have 2 internal core game developers which have worked on some AAA titles but we are also working with AAA game outsourcing studio Argentics who has produced work for companies like EA Games, Riot Games, Epic Games and UBISOFT on many AAA titles
Wow you have such a very strong profile!
thank you 😁
Indeed the Graviton Zero graphics are soo nice
Session 1: Project Introduction
Can you give us a little introduction to Graviton Zero ecosystem and the Grav Metaverse?
Graviton Zero is a Sci-Fi Play to Earn, MMORPG style game with player-owned assets and land expressed as NFTs. Graviton Zero lets you explore, gather, research and fight friends/enemies across an engaging array of game modes, always keeping you on the edge of your seat. Trade and collect Land NFTS, Ship’s, Weapons, Upgrades, Skins and so much more. Immersing yourself in a PvP and PvE experience like no other, one in which only your skill can determine the outcome of the battle.
Indeed. The ships are so nice!
Could you please share with our #GEMSter some of the sneak peaks here?
Moving on, can you give our #GEMSter little more information about the exciting upcoming features of the platform? How will the $GRAV token be integrated into these features?
hey yes sure let me get a couple of examples
So we have lots of upcoming features with GRAV we are working hard to deliver on our initial MVP version of the battle arena demo which will show the community exactly what the team can achieve and how the game will look and feel like to play which is due to be released by the end of March/April
We are also developing our Staking contract to enable members to stake both GRAV tokens and NFTs to earn a wide variety of rewards and benefits for doing so expressed in GRAV tokens, other types of NFTs, LOOT chests, Ship Refuel tickets, tournament tickets
GRAV tokens will completely underpin the whole GRAVITON ZERO Economy and will be used as an in game currency to research technologies, purchase new items/upgrades, rent assets from other players, Reward players for participation within the ecosystem like completing VOID Missions, Winning PVP leaderboards, defeating in game Bosses, winning ship races and much more
wow it looks so cool! what are the functions of these ships
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
so the ships will be the players way to get around the universe — fight against enemies, gather resources, participate in races and so much more
[In reply to Jamie]
The features are awesome!
The @GravitonZero website have mentioned some features such as NFT Farming and Marketplace are coming soon. Could you please share with our #GEMSter are there any passive income opportunities or any other perks for the GRAV token / Land NFT holders?
Yes we will have many different ways for users to earn within our ecosystem through ownership of both GRAVITON NFTs and GRAV tokens
Currently our GRAV Staking contract is already live and has some seriously impressive APY — I suggest everyone check it out if you haven’t already https://gravitonzero.com/staking
[In reply to Jamie]
understand. It looks so cool and make me want to get one!
We will be expanding on this Token staking contract in the future when the game is playable so the community also has the chance to win rare upgrades, NFTs or other in game assets as rewards for staking GRAV Tokens
We are also developing an NFT staking program to go live that will provide similar rewards in GRAV tokens, Loot chests, ship refuel tickets and much more
Our in game marketplace will allow players a wide range of options to buy/sell/stake and rent their NFTs and in game assets enabling our ecosystem to thrive
In addition to this our NFTs will also be available to trade within external marketplaces like OPENSEA so users have the option to interact in many different ways
[In reply to Jamie]
Amazing! #GEMSter let’s have a look!
[In reply to Jamie]
Moving on, can you give our #GEMSter a little more detail about the different gameplay features that will go live on the platform?
So initially our first MVP version of the game (due late march/april) will include the space arena mode where players can go 1v1 2v2 3v3 5v5 or 10v10 in a space combat arena designed to test players driving skills and determine who is the best pilots in the universe
Then we will be adding to the game in a modular fashion — we will be implementing many different gaming modes such as , Space ship racing events, Land gameplay and base building, open world farming, mining, open world bosses and NPC events, Faction wars, Planet and territory control, trade and commerce missions and so much more
Graviton Zero is going to be at the forefront of blockchain gaming and metaverse gameplay and the whole team are so excited to show you what is in store for this MMORPG metaverse!
Indeed! The features are very intriguing and I believe the #GEMSter and I can’t until Apr!
Before we move onto the twitter community questions, are there anything you want to add?
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
We hope to see you all in the metaverse soon!
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
i hope everyone likes what they have heard so far i am ready for the twitter questions
[In reply to Jamie]
gotcha ! See u in the Metaverse haha
Session 2: Answering Twitter community question
Cool! Let’s move onto:
Part 2/3 Twitter Community questions x 5
Jus GEMS, [8/3/2022 18:20]
#1 Twitter question from @imrun96
Many games today set high costs to start the game & therefore start with a small player base. Does GravitonZero require an entrance fee or starting conditions & if so, what are they? Do I need to hold an NFT or hold a certain amount of tokens in order to enjoy & play the game?
While the initial MVP beta version of the game will be restricted to NFT holders or people staking a certain amount of grav tokens I also agree that high costs and barriers to entry on gameplay is not the best model which is why Graviton Zero will be completely free to play upon public release and everyone will be given a free initial starter spaceship in order to allow them to experience and explore the metaverse and start their journey to build up from there gathering resources and fighting enemies for loot — although players will have advantages for purchasing land or other assets the game itself will be free to play and all players will have the ability to work their way up to end game on a completely free to play model with enough time and dedication
got it
#2 Twitter question from @YOUSUF_o1
P2E games are blowing up in the cryptocurrency space with great potential. A significant issue for many of the currently offered P2E game is just that they are being created as blockchain games,not great games where blockchain is just one element. How’s GravitonZero different?
The team at Graviton Zero are all fanatic gamers and have been for many, many years some of us at a competitive level — we share this same vision that the current crop of blockchain games do not offer the same quality of gameplay as current AAA games outside of the blockchain space — we plan to change this and create a truly immersive pvp and pve MMORPG experience that even the most seasoned of gamers will always be wanting to jump back into the Graviton universe while still introducing never before seen features to captivate both the hardcore and casual gaming community
I bet team love triple A games just as we do!
#3 Twitter question from @ms_khusi
Most P2E games start giving away lots of tokens to early players and for a short period of time the game is incredibly profitable, and because of that soon the value of it decreases and there it dies. How is the design of Graviton, and how can it ensure to be LONG TERM profitable
Long-term stability is something that we are constantly evaluating to ensure that this is a game that will stick around for a long time with consistent and meaningful updates and expansions always providing new incentives for players.
we also recognise the issue that some games burn out fast due to giving away too much rewards and not having efficient gameplay loops to incentivise a stable economy and lack consistent updates to keep the game fresh — we have some industry-leading developers on board who have worked on and designed some of the world-leading triple AAA titles that are proven to have great and working economies and long term stability is our main goal and we believe we have exactly the right team members and experience to deliver a game that will continue to thrive for many years to come
Indeed! Im very excited for the launch!
#4 Twitter question from @efri38095207
Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts address and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?
Our token is currently available to purchase on Pancakeswap and MEXC central exchange — our contract address is 0xa6168c7e5eb7c5c379f3a1d7cf1073e09b2f031e
You can find the links to purchase on our website home page https://gravitonzero.com/
[In reply to Jamie]
For #GEMSter who would like to participate, here is the address and way to get $GRAV
#5 Twitter question from @catwalklee
Are you aware that there are some traditional players who are not crypto oriented but can also contribute to the growth of blockchain games?What plans do the GravitonZero team have for these set of players?Are there plans to also integrate them into the GravitonZero game?
Graviton Zero was founded on the idea that the current blockchain space does not offer the same quality of games as current next gen titles — we believe that with the extensive experience as gamers the whole team at Graviton have what it takes to create a game that will captivate the traditional gaming market both hardcore and more casual players to be one of the first games to truly “bridge” traditional gamers into the blockchain gaming space
We plan to market the game to the wider audience and not just blockchain space — utilizing YouTubers, twitch streamers, and other gaming platforms, magazines, and in-person gaming conventions around the world showing everyone exactly the kind of groundbreaking experiences that our game will be offering
for the gamers!
Before we proceed to the live AMA session, is there anything you wanna add to our community?
I hope Ihave answered everybody’s questions well and you are all as excited as I am for this game to launch-ready for the live AMA
Listen up #GEMSter , the group chat will be open in 30 seconds.
Please ask questions that is related to Graviton Zero project and tag @jamin156 with your questions.
Session 3: Answering Live AMA questions
Listen up #GEMSter , the group chat will be open in 30 seconds.
Please ask questions that is related to Graviton Zero project and tag @jamin156 with your questions.
Times up. The chat close now. @jamin156 please reply to 5 community’s questions
Weldon Mcclure:
Are you afraid someday there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project?
[In reply to Weldon Mcclure]
Thanks for your question — and I can honestly say that we are committed to remaining at the forefront of the blockchain gaming industry and the teams experience and knowledge will enable us to deliver on this! we will consistently release new updates and features that ensure we remain at the forefront of what the world technology can enable us to offer
i thingking about me || Buy PCX:
Currently, a lot of people are looking at NFTs, metaverse, and games. Can you tell me what advantages will you have in this field future?
[In reply to i thingking about me || Buy PCX ;*]
I agree that the NFT space is absolutely exploding with popularity right now and Graviton Zero also have our own INO launches coming up very soon where players will be able to purchase a ship of varying rarity each with its own unique benefits like faster boosters, more equipment and upgrade slots higher shields etc — our NFTs will also provide access to our MVP beta version of the game and also have the ability to be staked for more rewards
112 — /Vishal ( I Love You ):
Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share it with us and secondly are you working to AUDIT your project, to make its security more secure and reliable?
[In reply to 112 — /Vishal ( I Love You )]
Hey yes we do have a whitepaper on our website which you can find here https://info-71.gitbook.io/graviton-zero-technical-blueprint/
also all of our contracts have been fully audited and checked by globally recognised audit firm ZOKYO
our token contract audit is pasted above
Carlo Lindsey:
Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?
[In reply to Carlo Lindsey]
our community is very important to us and we are always open to feedback and take feedback on very seriously — eventually, the project will move to a DAO model once the game has been publicly released — this way it will ensure that everyone in the community will have their say in directing us on what the player base is wanting and needing the most for future updates
S A M U R A I:
My question
Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program? if yes please share it with us?
[In reply to S A M U R A I]
we agree that Ambassadors can play a vital role in a project and spreading the word — im happy to say we do have a program currently live please check it out here https://gravitonzero.com/ambassador
[In reply to Jamie]
#GEMSter here you may join the ambassador program!
Thank you @jamin156 for joining our @GravitonZero X @thegemsgg #GEMSCrossoverAMA. I believe the #GEMSter have learned a lot about your project and we are very excited about the launch of the MVP version of the game!
Don’t forget to follow Graviton Zero on the below links:
⚛️ Graviton Zero
Website (https://gravitonzero.com/)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/GravitonZero)
Telegram Official Group (https://t.me/joinchat/H4-CWrF-33U5NThk)
Discord (https://discord.gg/22D9hNnVGM)
Thank you for having us, we look forward to seeing you in the metaverse soon. #ByGamers4Gamers
See you in the metaverse!
The chat will be open now.
Jus GEMS, [8/3/2022 19:15]
🟣The @GravitonZero X @thegemsgg #GEMSCrossoverAMA winner announcement🟣
Twitter Community questions winners
Twitter Questions winner #1 @imrun96
Twitter Questions winner #2 @YOUSUF_o1
Twitter Questions winner #3 @ms_khusi
Twitter Questions winner #4 @efri38095207
Twitter Questions winner #5 @catwalklee
Live AMA question winners
Live AMA question winner #1 @Weldonmcclure47
Live AMA question winner #2 @lahkoklu
Live AMA question winner #3 @darrylgilliam1990
Live AMA question winner #4 @carlolindsey
Live AMA question winner #5 @HanifHakimi30
Congratulations! Winner pls dm me with your wallet address in BEP20 within 24 hours.
How to claim:
Telegram & Twitter :
Congratulations! Please DM @jus_gems on tg with the stated informations:
1. AMA date + Winning round e.g. Live AMA question winner #1
2. Send us your wallet address in BEP20
3. Send us all the information within 24 hours
4. For twitter: Show the prove that the own the account in twitter with screenshots
‼️Note: don’t forget to send us the prove that you are followed the rules‼️
About GEMS
GEMS stands for GameFi, Esports, Metaverse and SocialFi.
Proudly presenting Esports 3.0, GEMS is an Esports 3.0 Aggregator Platform within a unique O2O (online-to-offline) Ecosystem. Our one-of-a-kind ecosystem is designed to be the ultimate, one-stop GameFi destination, allowing crypto and Esports gamers to learn, connect, and immerse themselves in different metaverses and GameFi worlds via online and offline touchpoints.
Join the party👇
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