#GEMSCrossoverAMA X @KitsumonWorld

14 min readJun 2, 2022

🅰️ #GEMSCrossoverAMA X @KitsumonWorld

May 31, 10 AM, http://t.me/thegemsgg, speakers Simon Buckingham, Head of Marketing & Tobias Fuchs, Community Manager

💰$100 $KMC/ 5 winners (20 $KMC each)


1️⃣Follow @gemsgg_official & @KitsumonWorld

2️⃣Like, RT, Drop 1 Question

3️⃣Follow both TGs

AMA Recap:

Si — HoM @Kitsumon

Welcome everyone

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Very excited and honoured to be here

Alvin GEMS:

Hello #GEMSter welcome to another #GEMSCrossoverAMA.

Today we have Simon here, Head of Marketing, Welcome to GEMS!

Before we start, could you please introduce the #GEMSter a little bit about yourself and your role ?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Hey everyone great to be here, I will for sure do a quick intro

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

I am Simon Buckingham, Head of Marketing here at Kitsumon, my background is over a multitude of industries, more recently in AI/IOT as well as eSports. I developed a passion for Blockchain and the technology, coupled with my love for Gaming — this was like a match made in heaven for me personally.

Alvin GEMS:

What a cool background, we all have passion in Blockchain and technology, Simon

Alvin GEMS:

So shall we move to the first session?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Sure let’s go

Alvin GEMS:

1) Could you please share some information about Kitsumon? Where did the idea come from and what is the main mission of the Kitsumon project?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Of course

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

When we saw the potential of CryptoKitties and its ability to create a ‘new’ collectible creature that would be own-able by an individual, we were immediately excited. Was this the next Tamagotchi? Almost, but you didn’t need to feed it and it didn’t really do anything.

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

The potential was already there — it just needed to be taken to the next level. The idea was to have a pet creature, that was unique, cute yet cool that needed to be looked after and played with. The concept of making them types of cute birds that progress from chicks to adults emerged and an interactive way to feed them came along with it.

All it needed was something fun to do with them, back then we thought about racing. This idea then grew over the years and evolved, birds changed into foxes, racing changed to DOTA-style battling, and professions expanded out to make it a truly lifelike gaming experience. Kitsumon was born.

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:


Alvin GEMS:

undoubtedly we can see there are tons of potential in the blockchain world

Alvin GEMS:

2) Can you tell us more about Kitsumon’s game concept as well as the features? And what currency will players be using in the game?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Yes let’s take a look at that

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

So, Kitsumon is an online multiplayer social-simulation game about collecting and caring for adorable Kitsu pets, you may have heard of the term MOBA which stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, that is where Kitsumon sits genre wise. It features a wide variety of professions that will yield items to help in the growth and breeding of Kitsu, as well as several PvP battle modes in a style inspired by DOTA. Many of the items in the game, as well as the Kitsu themselves, are tradable as NFT assets between players on the game’s exclusive marketplace.

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

The $KMC token will be utilized for many aspects of the game’s economics, from future Kitsu Egg sales, shop purchases for utility items, NFT asset trading, and more. It is hosted on Polygon’s MATIC network to ensure low transaction fees for a smooth user experience

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

As for the currency that is used in the game itself, it will be the fully digital currency KANDY, that players can use to buy things like boosts and monthly subscriptions.

Alvin GEMS:

3) Can you share the achievements the team has made so far? And What are your key milestones in the near future?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

For sure, very proud of our team

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We successfully executed the initial TGE sale event through a plethora of key partners back in December last year that will enable us to grow a great community. We developed and established a vesting system for those that partook in seed/private/public sales rounds

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We have established the core designs for all 20 GEN-0 Kitsu and are in the final processes of Unity 3D models being made of them that are capable of being interchanged using our 3D DNA system ready for breeding (Which I will mention more about shortly)

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

As well as this we have created our very own marketplace to buy and sell Kitsu’s and other eventual items

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Some other things are very close to launching as well which I cannot release info about now but all I can say is please keep an eye on our socials for these announcements

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

The latter part of your question I can elaborate on shortly

Alvin GEMS:

The visual looks very good!

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Here is an example of one of our 3D models and ability iconography

Alvin GEMS:

It is excited to see some amazing artworks like this

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Yes I will share more as we go along in the AMA (Some of the files are quite big)

Alvin GEMS:

so my next questions is 4) What does the roadmap ahead look like, can you give us any clues?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

For sure, we have some mega exciting developments

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Some concept art of the MOBA element of the game

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We are currently in test net stages of our Breeding element of the game, this is where we allow NFT Kitsu holders to breed their Kitsu and create new offspring (of which can hold bloodline royalties as well)

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

https://medium.com/kitsumon-metaverse/kitsumon-breeding-update-5fde2bebaaa7 you can read more about breeding here

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Pretty much all Kitsu body parts are interchangeable

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

and as mentioned can be bred / combined with other Kitsu

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We hope to launch the public test net in the coming weeks for people to be able to trial this on a mass scale

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Then we will move on to exciting times with things like the Land Sale and Beta stages of the game launch

Alvin GEMS:

what a good idea to have Kitsu as interchangeable

Alvin GEMS:

it is a brilliant idea

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We are partnered with the likes of GEMS and other platforms, guilds and scholars to develop a gigantic gaming community and provide a sensational gaming experience to EVERYONE Worldwide

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Yes and I love the Digital DNA structure powered by smart contracts for bloodline royalties

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

It is an economy in itself

Alvin GEMS:

indeed it is a very smart way

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

That is just a snippet of some cool things to come!

Alvin GEMS:

come to the last question of this session, 5) Everyone is highly anticipating the release of your Breeding gameplay. Can you share with us any details on when we can get our hands on it? (+ potion sale)

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

So as mentioned, we are in the test net stage privately and hope to have more detail on this in the coming week or two, keep an eye on our socials and website! Whilst we do that we will be launching the potion sale as well which is needed in order to achieve breeding and other elements of the game further down the line.

We look forward to adding the potions to the marketplace VERY SOON! Then we can provide the public test net of breeding and accelerate our other project objectives which are going to make this game AMAZING!

Alvin GEMS:

Great! This game is absolutely special and unique. looking forward to seeing this game go live soon

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Cannot wait!

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We also just made our new homepage and includes the brand new whitepaper


Si — HoM @Kitsumon:


Alvin GEMS:

so lets go to our next session, we have 5 questions from our twitter community, are you ready Simon?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

sure sounds great

Alvin GEMS:

perfect, first question is from @Elradave

What’s the current stage in the Game development of @KitsumonWorld? Are you in the Alpha Stage or the Beta Stage?? Where can we currently download and play the game?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

So actually at the moment the game is not available yet, we are on schedule for towards the end of the year. Within this period of time we are majorly focusing on the other elements such as finalizing the animations, land sale, breeding mechanism and much more

I will stress as well a lot of work in the background is going into building Guilds and Scholarship initiatives to build a giant gamers user base. We are encouraging more Esports initiatives too to enhance our metaverse and opportunities for MOBA tournaments etc. — So whilst the game is still a few months away, we are very focused on making sure that when it launches we are majorly ready and have everything in place

Alvin GEMS:

I am sure our community will give full support to your game launch!

Alvin GEMS:

2) There are countless NFT gaming projects available right now and some of them are really successful. My question to Kitsumon, what are the main selling points of the project and what innovations does it have to be successful not only for the short term but for the long term?

From @rivaldi_72

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]


Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Great question and you are right, there are a lot of games out there. I feel though we are doing some cool things already mentioned for unique gameplay experiences, what we are also doing is developing partnerships with other games too. For the metaverse to really succeed we all need to work together in some capacity. If you have seen the film Ready Player One you will see abilities to jump in and out of games, share assets etc. This will be more than achievable due to smart contracts, cross chain and cross game initiatives. I do not think a lot of other games think about this, nor do they focus a lot on Esports, this is a fundamental reason why we partnered with GEMS as they share a common goal and passion like we do to make this truly special.

As I mentioned for our game itself, we have 3D generative NFT Kitsu’s that are playable, it is going to be so unique and amazing along with all the gameplay modes

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We also have something called Professions — this means you can enter a in-game career as a fisherman, cooking, alchemist etc. you don’t necessarily have to be part of the MOBA, you can also earn from yielding resources of the land and selling your harvests/materials on the marketplace to help other games and make some money at the same time

Alvin GEMS:

Aiming the same can bring us synergy to achieve great things !

Alvin GEMS:

3) The NFTs on KitsumonWorld platform are the tool of everything, they can be used for trading, battle and gaming but how versatile they can be? is there a way to improve the NFTs with extra items and get better stats and price or fractionalize them for trading?

from @Rudy939672181

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

for sure

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

So there is kind of a level playing field to ensure that it is skill involved to win. The price difference is you like from the Kitu’s come from the rarity factors of the Kitsu themselves

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

For example on our marketplace some kitu’s have been sold for high amounts especially if low rarity

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

but this is where the KANDY mechanism in-game comes in and the abilities of professions help with things like replenishing kitsu health after battle or improving certain elements like armour etc

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

there are plenty of initiatives to hold and battle Kitsu

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

in both a P2E and Free to play capacity

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

this is why we wanted to ensure full inclusivity, that anyone around the world can play

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

and at any level

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We will have also things like Kitsu Racing and other cool game modes as well so there will be plenty of use cases for the NFT Kitsu’s

Alvin GEMS:

I can see the ecosystem of Kitsu is huge

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Yes and it is just the beginning!

Alvin GEMS:

4) What can we expect from KitsumonWorld in the future? The community needs to know the long-term goals that the project sets, so that they can know that you are always working and can contribute to the better project, What do you think about the power of community?

from @Adi_mata45

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Sure, I think we answered most of that in the main AMA questions but to reiterate we have a big focus on building the gaming communities, bridging traditional/blockchain gaming markets as well as develop internally our game and team, we already have a strong team but we will continue to add in all departments to strengthen the proposition of Kitsumon continuously.

Your last part of the question is very important! Community is everything, not just in AMA’s and our own Telegrams etc, but the world is a community. There are over 2bln gamers worldwide right now, over 500m people watch Esports and Gaming streams, soon to be 700m+ by 2025, we are in an exciting industry but one with so many options and games. We want to build a strong connection with everyone, include EVERYONE and achieve a WORLDWIDE audience.

Fans (I like to call them) are the best part of gaming. They are what provide ideas, thoughts and engagement. We must focus on this as a major part of development and inclusion

Alvin GEMS:

connect with GEMS can organcially bring you more esports gamers for sure! We can see many win win plays with all our GameFi partners

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Of course, we love GEMS and we can do together

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

big things ahead

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Don’t forget as well that our LP Farm is live https://medium.com/kitsumon-metaverse/kitsumon-lp-farm-is-live-abce9f2bd23f

Alvin GEMS:

here is the last question from twitter community:

I would like to know more about the Kitsumon NFT Marketplace. What are the requirements to list an NFT? Is there a fee for listing? And does it have to be an NFT created on Kitsumon or can we list NFTs already made on an external platform?


Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Alvin GEMS]

Sure, we actually built the marketplace in-house, we are very proud of this achievement, it also gives us a lot of flexibility and usability opportunities.

So actually all you need to do to list a Kitsu NFT is to buy one in the first place. https://marketplace.kitsumon.com/explore

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

There is an auction facility as well as occasionally opportunities to buy at dedicated prices (especially promo kitsu’s)

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Potions will also be available here too

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

You can interact with some other marketplaces with Kitsu, but this is limited at this stage, we fully recommend using our own platform and you will get our full customer support also via Discord and Telegram to fix any potential issues etc.

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Hopefully that all makes sense

Alvin GEMS:

Definitely, our community learns so much about Kitsu!

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

We are always available on our socials too if anyone ever has questions or ideas, we are all about the community

Alvin GEMS:

Here goes to our last session Live AMA.

Listen up #GEMSter , the group chat will be open in 30 seconds and @ScrewInTheTuna will pick 2 questions.


- Please ask questions that are related to (Kitsu) and tag (@ScrewInTheTuna) with your question.

- Username should be shown and remain unchanged until the end of the claiming process

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

wow hundreds — this will be hard to pick 2! One moment

Alvin GEMS:

@ScrewInTheTuna please choose two best questions. Dont forget to reply the question directly


Where I can get the latest updates or more information about the project?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Henry]

Hi Henry, you can get all the info from our socials and website.

Here is a full list of communities, platforms and avenues of how to reach us



@ScrewInTheTuna Have you being audited ? Have not heard you talk about that security of funds is what every investor craves for and plans to escape incase of insecurity if funds, scams and rug pulls ? How strongly built are your security put in place?

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

[In reply to Torrez]

Yes we have — you can actually take a look at the entire report here as well as case study from HACKEN https://medium.com/kitsumon-metaverse/kitsumon-security-audit-893d2c4cb4f7

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Wow so many questions, I am sorry I was only able to answer two from the live section

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

I am sure we will have an AMA again soon with GEMS in the near future

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Alvin GEMS:

Thanks @ScrewInTheTuna

And congrats to the winners. Please dm @alvin_gems to claim your prize.

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Alvin GEMS:

Before we come to the end of today’s AMA, is there anything you wanna add to our community? @ScrewInTheTuna

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

First of all, thank you so much for joining us. I am so excited to see the developments with ourselves and GEMS as well as future engagements with both awesome communities and fans.

Secondly, as mentioned please keep an eye out on our socials and communities for latest updates, we have some mega news in the coming weeks

Si — HoM @Kitsumon:

Thanks for being such an awesome host @alvin_gems

Alvin GEMS:

Thank you @ScrewInTheTuna See you soon!














GameFi, E-Sports, Metaverse and SocialFi. GEMS is an Esports NFT social sharing portal and O2O ecosystem.