Crossover AMA- FOTA x GEMS Recap

12 min readMar 8, 2022


Dear GEMS Community,

The #GEMScrossoverAMA with FOTA will be starting in 1 min

Guest host: @jack_fota , @jack_fota Global CM

$FOTA is a AAA #Metaverse Gaming project which is under the Hybrid of MOBA-RPG and integrated with #MicrosoftMesh (MR) Technology

🅰️AMA will be divided into 3 sessions:

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Answering Twitter community question

Session 3: Answering Live AMA questions

💰Total Rewards: 200 BUSD for 10 winners

❕Kindly follow the rules as follows to win your prize :

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Please remain calm and let’s rock this one!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Hello everyone,


Hi everyone let’s welcome @jack_fota !


Before we start, could you please introduce the #GEMSter on what is your role in FOTA?

Session 1: Project Introduction

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Nice to meet you everyone. It’s is my pleasure to be in The Gems Community

Yes, I’m Jack from FOTA Metaverse. I’m the Global Community Manager. I’ll be here today to help #GEMSter to understand about our Project

Let’s go ;)

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:


wow the graphics are perfect!

Could you give us a brief introduction to the #GEMSter on what is FOTA please?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Yes, the graphic is stunning. In the AMA, I will try my best to share some of the In-game graphic, so everyone can understand what are we doing.

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

[In reply to Jus GEMS]

🌟FOTA is an AAA Game that focuses in MOBA RPG Genre. The game introduces a fantasy universe inhabited by many races throughout the universe. In the world of FOTA, NFT Technology is optimized so that users can feel the possibility of owning valuable digital assets during the journey. The development team has also introduced economic mechanisms and democracies through the DAO. With a view to turning this Metaverse platform into an ever more realistic universe that integrates Microsoft Mesh.


Awesome, as I am a visually driven person, an AAA graphics always catch my eye. I’m sure our #GEMSter does feel the same too!

Moving to our second question, Could you please give our #GEMSter more information on the FOTA team background please?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

As you know, The team members is the soul of every project. This is also true with FOTA Metaverse.

The Core team includes:

👉 CEO Duc Trinh: He is also the Investment Advisor of Hobbit Venture, with 4 years of experience in the Blockchain Industry.

👉 COO/CPO Binh Nguyen: He is Principal Engineer at KIXEYE STUDIO and Technical Consulting Architect at VNG Corporation with many years experience in Gaming Industry.

👉 CTO Ryan Nguyen: He is one of the 200 most talented engineers globally under the Microsoft Aspire Program.

As you can see that, our team comprise of many talent members to ensure that FOTA will deliver a smooth and smart economy business.


Wow it is such a strong team!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Thank you for your compliment 😄


Third question:

Could you please share with us more information about the NFT system of FOTA and what can you bring to the GEMS community?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Well, I know that GEMS Community will be very excited about FOTA Metaverse. Especially that a beautiful NFT in the wallet.

For our NFT System comprise Hero, Items, FOTALand, and Skin.

+ Hero: Players can directly buy Hero with Level 0 at the Official Store on the FOTA Marketplace.

+ Items: FOTA allows users to use 70 types of NFTs divided into four main group: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

+ FOTALand: During the era of The Unity Saga, FOTA allows players to conquer 30 lands on 3 different planets at the Greenland, the Earth, and the Nightmare. Each land will become a unique NFT asset.

For the Skin, our platform allows players to change their character’s appearance in the game. In addition, a limited number of Skins will be released as NFT assets to allow players to personalize the appearance of the Heroes in the Game.


wow the feature sounds interesting!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Yeah indeed!!!


Part 2 will follow shortly. The team have received a lot of great questions for you! @jack_fota Are you ready?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Alright, I’m really exciting for the community questions.


Let’s begin!

Session 2: Answering Twitter Community Question

#1 twitter question from @copy7311


The 3D experience is one of the key factors of the FOTA universe so could you tell me more about how you will manage to create this 3D experience in a fully immersive way? What benefits does MR technology bring to this 3D gaming experience?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

This one is very good. Most of players care a lot about our graphic and experience with Metaverse

For this question, I will help you to understand about MR Technology

MR (Mixed reality), also known as hybrid reality, is a world mixed between reality and virtual world in which real and virtual objects both exist and interact in real-time. MR is a combination of VR and AR technologies. In MR, the things of the real world and the virtual world will interact with each other. Mixed reality technology is similar to AR. But not monotonous with graphics or text on the real background, this technology focuses on systems, links to create an environment full of facilities such as SKYPE phone calls or Microsoft Hololens to connect all multimedia content and entertainment.

And a good new is that, we already received the Hololens 2 Prototype from Microsoft to develop an application on their Mixed Reality Platform. And we have to scale up the 3D Dimension to match the surrounding environment. Moreover, we have to utilize the experience with this device so that players can control their actions within this 3D space. And I promised this is a stunning experience 😊😎.

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first: You guys can check out this videos

It is recorded by our CTO — Ryan, he recorded this in New Zealand with Hololens 2


[In reply to Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first]

Wow #GEMSter let’s check this amazing trailer

Moving to the

#2 twitter question from @LionX7311


I read that it integrates “Microsoft Mesh” technology. How does this technology work and how does it help improve the player’s experience in the Metaverse? What kind of mechanisms do they use to give an effect of reality and fantasy in the FOTA metaverse?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

This also a very good question. It is especially related to our MetaFi world

Microsoft Mesh is a communication platform. It will help us to set up a communication channel between players inside the game. Because you know that Metaverse is not only the experience of graphic, but it is also the experience of a Social life. And yes that is what we are gonna do with FOTA Metaverse.

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

You guys can check out this video to understand about Microsoft Mesh:

You can see that people also use the Hololens 2 in this clip.


[In reply to Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first]

The video is so cool!

#GEMSter let’s check it out!

#3 twitter question from @Vicky79583658


Could you really tell us what are the requirements to be a FOTA player? Will I really have to buy multiple NFT characters, with accessories and lands? If so, how much will the minimum investment represent? In addition to this, will they allow you to play in Free To Play mode?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Another great question with very critical point.

Honestly, everyone will be required to have at least 1 hero with a weapon and skin to enter the game, so that everyone can complete Missions in PvE Mode and Battles in PvP Mode. and the price of each Hero will range from 100$ to 200$.

👉Let’s learn about FOTA and come up with smart strategies, it will be very competitive 😉

And don’t forget that we will have an NFT Sale in the next few weeks, cheers 🍻


Sure! I wonder how would my hero looks like 😀

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

:v do you want to see some?


Of course!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Here is a Sculpture we do for Eira


It looks amazing and detailed!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

I hope these images can satisfied some of you :v


look amazing!

Moving on to #4 twitter question from @moonboy_jack9


Do you offer any kind of scholarship opportunities for players? Also, do they have educational programs and everything a person could need on their journey to becoming a profitable player in the FOTA metaverse? How can we learn more about the game?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

We have a similar mechanism that is more freedom than the normal Scholarship. We call it Rent-to-play.

Ren-to-play allow players with high ranks Heroes, Items, Skin can put their asset on our marketplace for rent with extra income in free that. The new entry players can hire those NFT to play the game and earn money without invest to must in the NFT.

✅ Done


Sounds cool! I guess our #GEMSter will be intrigued by the Rent-to-play feature!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

That’s right


Our last question

#5 twitter question @VHngSn81992083

Could you share with the community some of the Important partners and sponsors that support FOTA (Fight Of The Ages) to give credibility to their project and show that FOTA will have a great expansion Future and fun for the community?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

We currently have a lot of great partners, coming from many continents, and I will list a few notable names here:

- North America: DEXFORCE (DEXTOOL),

DefiBoost, Oxbull, Stakez Capital…etc

- EUROPE: Gains Associates, BCA Investments, AVG Venture, Merit Circle, Moonstarter, SolrDao, Dutch Crypto Investors,

Kepler, MH Venture, Hololoot…etc

- ASIA: LABS Group, Ghaf Capital, AVStar, Tugoushequ China, NFTB, Cosmic Wyverns, Gamefi Research China, Kenzo Ventures, Newtribe Capital, KOI Capital, ChainRidge Capital…etc

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

And of course GEMS is also our partners 😍

✅ Done


Indeed. GEMS are glas to join hands together with FOTA !

Before we proceed to the live AMA session, is there anything you wanna add to our community?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Before we go to the 3rd Section, I also want to share more images about our gameplay, so that you guys can understand more.

This is the PvE mode with Daily Quest


The features look cool

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Yup, we already have a Beta Testing, and it is really cool


That’s cool!]

Can’t wait for it to launch !

Let’s move on to the Live AMA shall we?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Yes please



Listen up community, the group chat will be open in 30 seconds .

🟣The chat will open for 1 minute.

🟣Please drop your questions here for @jack_fota

🟣Please ask questions that is related to the FOTA project and tag @jack_fota with your questions.

Session 3: Answering Live AMA Questions


Times up.

@jack_fota may you please reply to 5 community’s questions 🙂

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

To be honest, this is the first time I see 6000 messages in 1 minute :v I was impressed.

I will choose 5 question and answer here.



you may answer to the questions that have tagged you in:)

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

1/ @auroYost

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

2/ @blackwood1999

Your project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share us with the inspiron for approaching to this name?

3/ @Valenzuelaaaa

Almost 4/5 of investors are focused purely on the price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value and health of the project. Could you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your

token in long term?

4/ @magwalter

Do you have any ongoing or upcoming reward program events, please let us know in detail &do you have any ambassador program as well as your project? More communities hold events to attract more people. That is also the main thing to attract project investors

5/ @Ridoysanjida

I am interested to invest in your Project. When & where can I buy your tokens? IT is already listed exchanges?I am interested to invest in your Project. When & where can I buy your tokens? IT is already listed exchanges?

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

So here 5 questions that I choose

1/ We have a plan to implement the DAO features, because inside the Metaverse Space it will set up a new social organization. A lot of policy will need to be executed to maintain the social order. Those who hold our $FOTA Token will have the privilege to vote for these policies.

2/ FOTA is Fight of The Ages => Which means there will be a lot of battle to create a balance order across the FOTA Metaverse. And those history will be written by our players 😎 Let’s join and write out FOTA History.

3/ You are correct, in cryptocurrency industry, most of people only want short-term profit. That’s why we have to pursue them to become a GAMER in FOTA Metaverse instead of INVESTOR. We will help them to understand that GAMER will earn more sustainable income than Investors.

4/ We have a plan for a Graphic Contest before the NFT Sale date. It will be announce on our official Channel. It will help you to buy our NFT with cheap price ❤️

5/ At the moment, our IDO will happen in the middle of March. At that time, we will give official announcement. Right after the IDO, our Token will be listed on several famous exchanges. Notice: Before making any announcement, please contact our admin for accurate information.

Thank you guys for today AMA 😍


Thank you @jack_fota for the amazing information on the FOTA project!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

Thank you Jus and #GEMSter 🥰🥰🥰


[In reply to Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first]

It is great to end it with the amazing Eira gif ~

#GEMSter don’t forget to follow the FOTA team on linktree and add them to your alert!!!

Jack | FOTA Global CM | Never DM first:

The chat will open now.


Let’s rock!

About GEMS

GEMS stands for GameFi, Esports, Metaverse and SocialFi.

Proudly presenting Esports 3.0, GEMS is an Esports 3.0 Aggregator Platform within a unique O2O (online-to-offline) Ecosystem. Our one-of-a-kind ecosystem is designed to be the ultimate, one-stop GameFi destination, allowing crypto and Esports gamers to learn, connect, and immerse themselves in different metaverses and GameFi worlds via online and offline touchpoints.

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Written by thegemsgg

GameFi, E-Sports, Metaverse and SocialFi. GEMS is an Esports NFT social sharing portal and O2O ecosystem.

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