AMA starts in 1 min, #GEMSter are you ready?
Hi everyone please welcome @VladimirLiulka
Vladimir Liulka:
Hey Folks! Happy to meet you all here!
Hope you all are doing great today!
Indeed Im doing well. How are you ?:)
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
I am good, thank you.
Before we start, could you please introduce the #GEMSter a little bit about yourself and your role in Blocksport ?
Session 1: Project Introduction
Vladimir Liulka:
Sure thing. I am Vladimir, CEO and Co-Founder of Blocksport, Swiss-based Sports Tech. I am a leader, driver and executor of our projects and products. My role is to push Blocksport to the moon, make the Sports world better and help our partners to engage their fans over digital innovations.
Understand. Push the project to the moon, I guess we all need this in a blockchain project~
First question:
Could you give us a brief introduction to the #GEMSter on what is Blocksport and BSPT please?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Sure, let me explain more.
Vladimir Liulka:
Founded in 2019, Blocksport is an innovative and leading SportsTech based in Switzerland. We provide top Esports teams and traditional Sports clubs with innovative digital solutions for the fan engagement. Supported by a professional network of sports experts and partners we launch a NFT platform to bring clubs, fans and sponsors closer together. Our state-of-the-art NFT platform provides features like NFT and fan token issuance, auction, bidding as well as NFT mining. Blocksport aims to build a sports ecology for Sports enthusiasts that integrates games, sports NFTs, and fan community management.
BSPT Token — Fungible and publicly listed token that is the gateway to the exclusive NFT, Fan Tokens and Staking pools. Having BSPT, fans can participate in VIP votings, buy exclusive NFTs and Fan Tokens, obtain VIP membership on the platform, stake BPST and get high rewards while being a Fan!
Esports team, Fan tokens, sounds interesting~
Second question:
Could you please give our #GEMSter more information on the Blocksport team background please?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Blocksport team is very experienced people in Sports, Innovations, Software development, Blockchain projects and delivering best-in-class digital products. We are proud of our Advisors and Management team. We have 30+ team members who are working hard to make Blocksport and its projects great and innovative.
wow that’s impressive! Being innovative are indeed one of the key element of the sucess in a blockchain project especially when it also includes esports!
Third question: Could you please share with us more information about the diverse use-cases of Blocksport and what can you bring to #GEMSter please?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Very good question, Thank you.
Vladimir Liulka:
We are building a fully-serviced NFT platform where all fans can sell, mint and collect NFTs or Fan Token, or use as assets in play-to-earn games.
Regarding NFTs: fans can create, mint and distribute any type of non-fungible token for Sport Collectors. For example Digital Collectible Cards, Digital Tickets, Fan Pictures, Virtual Merchandise, etc.
About Fan Token Offering: We partner up with world-known clubs to provide a tokenized digital membership-based platform where fans can buy, sell and execute votes and benefit from exclusive VIP memberships.
Staking at our platform is a combination of DeFi and NFT in Sports. All fans can compete, purchase and stake unique NFTs and tokens to win mining rewards.
wonderful! Is it possible to show our #GEMSter some sneek peek of the NFTs?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Wonderful question. Let me share something here
Vladimir Liulka:
Here we go — these are from our esports partners
wow this is so cool~
Vladimir Liulka:
or like this ) we have cool NFT and it is just a beta launch
Vladimir Liulka:
next weeks we will flood our platform by hundreds of cool NFTs and Fan Tokens! stay tuned!
[In reply to Vladimir Liulka]
it looks wonderful !
#GEMSter please have a look on the blocksport NFT marketplace!
Vladimir Liulka:
It is still beta, but already launched on ETH, BSC and POLY
Before we move on to the next session: Twitter community session, are there anything you wanna add to our community?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Just follow Bocksport NFT at our social media and don’t miss a chance to join our mooning project! =) This year is a year of Blocksport!
Year of Blocksport right!
also for GEMS too haha
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Indeed! And thats why we are partners! Blocksport x Gems!
Session 2: Twitter Community Session
Let’s move on to the second session: Twitter community session
#1 Twitter question from @LukasDuong1 (https://twitter.com/LukasDuong1)
One of the feature of BlockSport is Fan Token Offering (FTO) which is a form of presale. Can you explain the procedure of getting whitelisted and purchasing token on this launchpad? What democratic solution does it uses for sale and how will users be able to swap bought tokens?
Vladimir Liulka:
Users will be able to buy all Fan Tokens over official mobile apps of the clubs and also at our web-platform. When we launch fan token offering, user can join pre-sale and be whitelisted. Each fan token will have its own list of benefits and this is what our partners (clubs) decide. On the later stage after the token sale is done, we will announce how users can swap the tokens.
Vladimir Liulka:
Important — we are not selling speculative fan tokens. Only real fan tokens for real fans of the clubs!
Understand! Real Fans only!
#2 Twitter question from @Nabel60752746 (https://twitter.com/Nabel60752746)
STAKING is one of the strategy to attract users and hold them and long term. So, does your project have staking program? If so, can you tell us how can we stake in your platform? How high is your? And is there any specific amount to stake?
Vladimir Liulka:
Excellent question. Thank you
Vladimir Liulka:
We offer several type of staking pools — NFT staking, BSPT Staking and Fan Tokens staking. Shortly: for NFT staking, you just need to buy your first NFT on the platform and the stake it at the first pool with a very high reward (it is going to be 30–40% APY) for start. We will add more NFT staking pool one by oen according to our Gamefy strategy. BSPt staking is also very profitable pool where you can stake your BSPT tokens for different period and get very high APY (50–70% for start). And Fan token staking will allow you to stake your fan tokens and get BSPT as reward. We started launching all pools one by one in March. Stay tuned folks!
#GEMSter stay tune~
#3 Twitter question from @babycrypto14 (https://twitter.com/babycrypto14)
Crypto project has two main mechanisms that are important for the development of the project, Hodl-to-Earn & the Stake-to-Earn. Can you explain how these mechanisms work in #BlocksportNFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlocksportNFT?src=hashtag_click) ? What roles do they play in the $BSPT (https://twitter.com/search?q=%24BSPT&src=cashtag_click) Token? How do they benefit the users?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
lovely, let me explain
Vladimir Liulka:
$BSPT is a platform token and actually a core/engine of our project. As many BSPT you own, as more right & benefits & discounts you have. It works like BSPT is a key to your VIP club with premium status. Stake-to-earn -> you can stake any assets you buy on the platform and earn your high rewards in BSPT. HODL&Earn provides users many ways to earn passive income by just holding. For lock-up and earn , which is similar to term deposit where uses should lock up crypto (NFT for ex) for a certain period. No early withdrawal is allowed. Interest and principal will be released automatically when the term ends. Short version ) we will update everyone with more rules when each pool will go live.
Got it, #GEMSter check out the BSPT platform!!
#4 Twitter question from @Alon14091 (https://twitter.com/Alon14091)
One of the use-cases of your token is the Fan Token Offering in which Blocksport fans holding fan tokens can participate and influence club-related important decisions. Can you explain more about this Fan Token offering? How can anyone avail or get this fan token in your platform?
Vladimir Liulka:
Fan Tokens are digital assets that represent fans ownership of a membership right and give you access to earn unique club-specific rewards and experiences. Fan Tokens are fungible, meaning that, like other cryptocurrencies, they can be exchanged for other ‘goods’, such as VIP experiences, exclusive merchandise, tickets, etc. For fans, owning a token means that they will be able to access or buy certain things that can’t be purchased with “real money”. So called ‘money can’t buy experience’. This kind of experience makes fans feel a deeper connection with the Club, while the Club can monetize their passion in a very organic way. Any real fan can buy the fan token and open the door to VIP Fan Club! So easy.
If you are the real fans, then please join the VIP Fan Club!
#5 Twitter question from @donkiler140 (https://twitter.com/donkiler140)
You talk about new partnerships and cooperation agreements as key plans for the future, could you tell us about your current partnerships? What does Engine Token look for in a partner? What projects or organizations do you already have a relationship with?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
let me answer!
Vladimir Liulka:
We have 40+ exclusive partnerships with esports, rugby, football, basketball clubs and others. I am sure you know the names like Partizan, Empoli, Virtus pro, Red Devils and so on. You can see some selected list of our partnerships below:
[In reply to Vladimir Liulka]
#GEMSter, let’s check it out!
Vladimir Liulka:
Engine Token helps clubs to incentivise and reward their Fans as never. Fans can obtain BSPT while being a fan!
Before we proceed to the last session, live AMA session, are there anything you wanna add to our community?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Jus GEMS]
Let’s go to the next session. I am sure your community is very eager to hear more )
Listen up community, the group chat will be open in 30 seconds. Please drop your questions here for @VladimirLiulka and #BlocksportNFT and #GEMSCrossoverAMA
Please ask questions that is related to the Blocksport project and tag @VladimirLiulka with your questions.
Session 3: Answering Live AMA questions
Times up.
The chat close now.
@VladimirLiulka please reply to 5 community’s questions
Vladimir Liulka:
Fuh guys ) so many questions. Thank you for this! Let me try to select the best 5
Broken Dream 💔🥀, :
Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that make it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about? @VladimirLiulka
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Broken Dream 💔🥀]
A combination of our products within one innovative ecosystem is making Blocksport unique! Our NFT, Fan Tokens, DeFi, Fan App = our USP! We are reliable Swiss tech to serve partners' interests for the years.
Beautiful Girl🇦🇷🇦🇷💥:
How important is community to you? And how can we help you develop the project? And where can we buy your project token, you share with usus?@VladimirLiulka
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to Beautiful Girl🇦🇷🇦🇷]
I love our community because they are our real FANS of BLOCKSPORT. No fans, no game, no project and no blocksport. So yes. I have a big respect to our community and I do need a help to build the best ever sports tech in the world. You can buy our BSPT token today at MEXC exchange here https://www.mexc.com/exchange/BSPT_USDT
BC Sky Venture:
According to the project’s roadmap- what are your most important next priorities?
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to BC Sky Venture]
The top priorities for 2022: Launch maximum numbers of highly attractive staking pool: NFT staking, BSPT staking in March 2022. Fan Token staking in April-May. We are live on Ethereum, BSC and Polygon but first NFTs are minted at BSC only. So we need to drop many NFT collections at POLY and then very legendary NFT on Ethereum net. In the end of this year we want to announce our first prototype of Sports Metaverse by Blocksport! Many exclusive NFT drops and Fan tokens are coming in Q1-Q2 2022.
[In reply to Vladimir Liulka]
cant wait for the launch of the NFT staking pool !
Vladimir Liulka:
let me select 2 last questions ) not easy )
got it please take your time:)
COVID 19 has slowed down many economies around the world but as a crypto business, does it affect you negatively or positively? Are you still on track to achieve your goals or are you planning a new development? @VladimirLiulka
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to JOYBOY BNBake]
Very good question. Yes, COVID brought many problems in our world, but also for the sports world. Since 2020 year, we see that sports clubs and teams started thinking more proactively about digital solutions and digitalization of their brand, their relationship with the fans and partnering brands. For the clubs, athletes and sports in general there is one big challenge how to approach a new generation of fans which we call digital natives or Generation Z. And Blocksport is here right to solve such challenges — we help our clubs, fans, brands and players with to digitize and tokenize. So, for our company all things are positive and make the boost!
Vladimir Liulka:
and last one) let me select
[In reply to Vladimir Liulka]
Indeed. Lets rock together in the metaverse and stay positive!
DexTools Price:
Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project/company. How have you been able to build a complete project and what is the way to generate profit/revenue of the token? What is the income model? @VladimirLiulka
Vladimir Liulka:
[In reply to DexTools Price]
Our business model mostly based on the revenue share principe. We help our partners to generate new revenue and share the success. We assist the fans (users) to buy, sell, stake and earn new revenue and we share it together. So if you all earn, then Blocksport earns. BSPT token is not speculative and serves the platform. All income we will generate from BSPT on the secondary market, we will route these funds to develop our projects, create new products, maintain operations, to scale and boost our growth.
Thank you @VladimirLiulka for joining our Blocksport X #GEMSCrossoverAMA. I believe the #GEMSter have learned a lot about your project and we can’t wait to join the VIP Fan Club and for the launch of the BSPT staking pool with your innovative technology!
Vladimir Liulka:
Thank you too guys! GEMS is an awesome project and cool partner. I was happy to participate in this AMA today!
Don’t forget to follow Blocksport on the below links:
🔵Official Platform: https://blocksport.io/nft-platform/
🔵Telegram: https://t.me/BlocksportNFT
🔵Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlocksportNFT
Thank you @VladimirLiulka for joining our Blocksport X #GEMSCrossoverAMA. I believe the #GEMSter have learnt a lot about your project and we can’t wait to join the VIP Fan Club and for the launch of the BSPT staking pool with your innovative technology!
Vladimir Liulka:
Thank you too guys! GEMS is an awesome project and cool partner. I was happy to participate in this AMA today!
Thank you once again for @VladimirLiulka to join our Blocksport X #GEMSCrossoverAMA.
Dear #GEMSter, which partner do you want the #GEMSCrossoverAMA feature next?
🟣The Blocksport X #GEMSCrossoverAMA winner announcement🟣
Twitter Community questions winner:
Twitter Questions winner #1 @LukasDuong1 (https://twitter.com/LukasDuong1)
Twitter Questions winner #2 @Nabel60752746 (https://twitter.com/Nabel60752746)
Twitter Questions winner #3 @babycrypto14 (https://twitter.com/babycrypto14)
Twitter Questions winner #4 @Alon14091 (https://twitter.com/Alon14091)
Twitter Questions winner #5 @donkiler140 (https://twitter.com/donkiler140)
Live AMA question winners
Live AMA question winner #1 @DJ0843
Live AMA question winner #2 @imbeauty765
Live AMA question winner #3 @venture568
Live AMA question winner #4 @Westbrook_1993
Live AMA question winner #5 @nerdnutlash
Congratulations! Winner pls dm me with your wallet address in BEP20 within 24 hours.
How to claim:
Telegram :
Please DM @jus_gems on tg with the stated informations:
1. AMA date + Winning round e.g. Live AMA question winner #1
2. Send us your wallet address in BEP20
Twitter :
Please send in the DMs with the stated informations:
1. Comment on the AMA announcement post with stated winning rounds Twitter Questions winner #2
2. Send us your wallet address in BEP20
3. Show the prove that the own the account on twitter with screenshots
‼️Note: don’t forget to send us the proof that you are followed the rules‼️
About GEMS
GEMS stands for GameFi, Esports, Metaverse and SocialFi.
Proudly presenting Esports 3.0, GEMS is an Esports 3.0 Aggregator Platform within a unique O2O (online-to-offline) Ecosystem. Our one-of-a-kind ecosystem is designed to be the ultimate, one-stop GameFi destination, allowing crypto and Esports gamers to learn, connect, and immerse themselves in different metaverses and GameFi worlds via online and offline touchpoints.
Join the party👇
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